Lunes, Marso 12, 2012

II. Students Outputs of E-Portfolio

Anna malou Dorin
Joemarie  Pono
Jeany Tayo
Liezl Berdan
Aisa Mastura
Cristine Torillo
Joanne Mae Malayas
Jacqueline Camunias
Jannica Francisco
Jo luceno
kastine Irra gella
Kimberly Angel Morante
Sarah Jane Escala 
Mark Jason Ugay
Analiza Villagantol
Raymart lumogdang
Nasser Baumol
Ruhaida Dalgan
Mark Anthony Dameg
Lynntte Gerasmia

III. Writing in the Discipline as a Platform of Education for Sustainable Development

Writing in the Disciplines is related to, but not the same as Writing Across the Curriculum.  Because the literate experiences that are part of the college curriculum are frequently related directly and indirectly to disciplinary literate practices, Writing in the Disciplines can provide helpful clues about how writing may be supported throughout the undergraduate curriculum; nonetheless, educational institutions, organization of curriculum, the variety of student goals, and other educational priorities make undergraduate writing distinct from the writing produced by professionals in the disciplines.  Much of the writing demands of graduate education, however, may be viewed as apprenticeship to disciplinary practices.
            Because academic disciplines are highly structured social formations, readily available to researchers, Writing in the Disciplines is a major research site for the wider study of how  literate practices are socially located and institutionally organized, and provides many of the cases for the understanding of Discourse Community  and other literate social formations. Thus it is at the forefront of socially-oriented rhetorical research and theory.

IV. Reflection in English 121

When classes starts for the 2nd semester for the school year 2011-2012, . As the classes formally started,. First, I was shy when I entering in our classroom because,my classmates are new in my eyes, and I don't know how to get closer with them. One side of my mind says that you can do it renz,it was just a challenge on how to mingle with other person but one side of my mind says that,you cannot do it ,they will only judge your personality and discriminate you. But the good mind will remain outstanding, and I get inside our classroom with a self confident and a smile,charl!!may ganung factor..?hmmp...then later on, I observe and I noticed that my new classmate was a friendly one and approchable...nagkamali ako don ha!!hehehe..
                I started to get closer to them,we share laugh, experiences,etc. from each other.Also I admire  our teacher,why?,it is because,aside from being a intelligent and informative one, he is a person which is.....hindi ko ma explain,hehe,basta he is good and happy teacher, I learn a lot from him,if what is literature is all about,how important is it in our lives,how literature shape our lives and makes us human,also on how it encourages us to assist creative talented people who are in need.
                I admit that ENGLISH 121 is one of my favorite subject,and that is because of my favorite teacher named MR.CHRISTOPHER BLASURCA.....I am happy to be one of his students.
                                   ThanK you.......
                                    God bless....!!

V. Integration of Education for Sustainable Development to English 121

The case studies in this document reflect individual and institutional efforts to the reorient curriculum programs practices and policies. To address sustainability at institution of teachers education. The Case study deal with the development for in service teachers, curriculum revision at the pre service level research with students in a local school creating a network of universities, starting a journal and creating new under graduate and graduate programs, the diversity of efforts is broad: The impact is deep, to dedication of educators oround the world.
